Volume 1: Community Outreach Foundation

Please listen to this brief audio overview about the Foundation of your Community Outreach program.

Strategic Brief:


Create the foundation for your Community Outreach Program with Public Presentations

Why Is This Initiative Important?

The creation of a Community Outreach program based on public presentations is important to funeral directors for this major reason – it gives you the opportunity to provide a needed service for your community (as many groups are always looking speakers) without looking like the Grim Reaper always talking about the eventuality of one’s mortality and that pre-planning is the answer.

After giving a number of presentations about interesting topics, you will be seen as an expert when it comes to funeral related issues – a position that can’t be bought by advertising – and more importantly in this process you will be building relationships with all attendees – and that is what the Funeral Relations Mastery program is all about.

What Is The Goal of This Initiative?

The goal of the first module of the Community Outreach program is to lay the foundation for your own Community Outreach program and to get you to take action on it.  It’s fine for us to say, “Go give presentations in your community,” but without giving you all of the tools, we would be guilty of just giving you Lip Service instead of the True Service that we have promised.

A by-product of this initiative is to see who on your staff may be the one to run with it so be attentive to which staff member asks the most questions (not just negative comments like “That won’t work in our town – things are different here.”) about how the program works. Finding someone to run with it, and who becomes passionate about it, will be well worth your investment in this program as you can’t buy excitement or passion, but a program like this can be the catalyst for it for the right member of your time – and maybe that may be you.

How Are You Going to Achieve This Goal?

For this month’s Community Outreach module, we have provided you with a quick-start training program on giving Effective Community Presentations, your Action Plan, a Story Creation Worksheet,  a Letter of Introduction, and even a basic Brochure that you can leave with attendees after completing your presentation.

If you feel that there is any resource that is not provided and that would guarantee that you would take action, please let us know and if it is in our power, we will create it for you. Just email us at [email protected].


Resource Kit:

  • Action Plan: Word
  • Training – Giving Effective Community Presentations: PDF
  • Introduction Letter: Word
  • Introduction Letter (Mail Merge): Word
  • Groups & Churches Spreadsheet (Mail Merge): CSV
  • Evaluation Form: Word
  • Story Creation Worksheet: Word
  • “Why” Brochure: PPT

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